Download Aimbot. I heard it works but it doesn't seem like it to me.
Download Auto missile. Can fire a red locked missile or green locked missile depending on what mode you have it on. It can be tunned on and off during gameplay. Read the readme to find out where to put and how to operate it.
Download Quick Flare. This automatically releases a flare grenade when green or red locked on by a missile depending on what you put it on. It can also be turned on and off during gameplay. Put this is the base folder.
Download Writer's support pack. This file is needed for many of the scripts out there. I recommend downloading this. Put this is base folder as well.
Download CRC Zoom. This zooms in automattically when firing chaingun or shrike then unzooms when you stop firing. Read the readme before using.
Download EvKillPop. This shows who killed you or who you killed in a HUD that appears and disappears.
Download Abs mp3 player. With this you can create playlists, play your own mp3's during gameplay, and select tracks. Read the readme before using.
Download Frosty Teamhit. This automatically sends a pre-selected message to your team apoligizing for killing them. Put this in the base folder.
Download KmaAltiSpeedHud. This is a HUD that shows the speed and altitude that you're at. Put this in your base folder.
Download Flux Voice. This is a great script, it can change the pitch of any voice no matter the race or gender. I recommend this for some great funny voices. Extract to the base folder.
Download PJ2 Support pack. This is panama jack's support pack required for some of his scripts.
Download Wiz Chat 0.50. This is another great script that filters out death and pickup messages and puts them into another HUD so the chat HUD only has chat. I highly recommend this script.
Download Hide Chain Reticle. This scripts hides the chain gun reticle when fired and then reappears when you stop firing.
Download Hide Rifle. This script hides your laser rifle when selected.
Download Hide Weapon. This scripts hides any weapon that you choose. You can have it hide certain weapons and show others.
Download Odyssey Blaster. This script automatically throws your blaster.